Hardee’s – Bad, Bad, Bad!

Apparently ‘Bad’ really means good, in gang language.  Or maybe that was back in the 2000’s.  Now that it’s the ‘tens’, who knows, maybe bad means bad again.  It doesn’t help that all the movies I watch are on DVD, and some are even from the last century, so I don’t really have any guides…

When I Get Out of Bed…

I am going to purge right through. Back in September I was going to the gym three times a week and swimming afterwards.  Then in October I was in UK and cycling everyday, lost a few more kilos. Then when I got back to Kuwait in November the weather was too cold for swimming again, so…

Overcoming Overeating

Did I mention, recently, that I’m on bed rest?  I’m sure I did, cos I can’t think of much else at the moment.  Well, that means I can’t exercise.  and once I’ve read through the fora to which I subscribe, and research even more about low beta hCG numbers, then I get bored.  And one…

What’s Scarier, Kids or Pirates?

Well, I use the word ‘plan’ loosely.  People keep asking us, what will we do if we do get pregnant?  I keep answering that we’ll just have to change our plans.  To be fair, our ‘plans’ do include the potential addition of kids, after all we have two spare berths!  And we have this space…

8 A Day

Well, about time too, I have decided to start tracking my eating and exercise again. Well,maybe not my exercise, on account of being on bed rest for now, but certainly my eating. I shocked myself this morning by eating one third of my daily allowance already for breakfast, but that’s fine, cos it’s only once…