Finally, the Garden…

Back in the spring, my mother-in-law asked for an update on the garden, and I diligently took loads of photos, and then forgot all about it.  But I remembered tonight, when I was sorting all my photos so figured I’d post them now. As a reminder, this is what the garden looked like when we moved in…

Kuwait Pack Walk

A few months ago, I set up a group on Facebook to try and get people to walk their dogs with me.  In the UK, both in Rugby and Liverpool, it wasn’t a problem meeting other dog walkers, cos at 6pm every night the park was guaranteed to be filled with them.  Here it’s a…

Lambs to the Slaughter

So, a few weeks ago a desert camp pitched up near one of the places I walk my dogs.  This is at the end of a stream formed by run off water from the refineries, and is lined with reeds, long grass and trees, and a little ‘estuary’ at the end where they can swim….

Volunteering at K’S PATH

Last week I was asked to fill in a volunteer profile for K’S PATH, the shelter where I volunteer: Name Kate   Profession/Occupation School Teacher (but not at the moment!) & Technical Diving Instructor   How long have you been volunteering with K’S PATH? Six months, I came to the orientation in March 2012.  …

Roisin’s Here!!!

It has been three days since my beautiful niece Roisin (Pron: Roesheen) arrived with my simply adorable step-daughter Tash in tow.  Even as she was on the plane I promised a close family friend that I’d make Roisin post a photo every day.  Ha. We are hard pushed to even remember to take the camera…


Ruby came into the K’s Path shelter about a month ago, and I instantly fell in love with her.  Don’t tell them, but I would sneak into her kennel on the intake wing on my way past to the kitchen, and give her a pet and a hug.  Truth be told, she reminded me very…

Gifts for God

In my last post about water coolers, I was fairly cynical about the reason there are loads of water coolers all over Kuwait, which have been given to the people as a gift.  Well, whatever the reasons, I truly appreciate those gifts when I’m out walking the dogs… It is great being able to refill…

Free Water

In Kuwait, I have heard it said that there are two guaranteed ways to heaven (which I believe is attained if you are a person who does good).  If you have lots of money, then you build a mosque.  If you don’t have lots of money, then you provide a water cooler.  So today, when…

Tourist Stuff in Kuwait

About two months ago, Bahiya from Texas hit town with a big, huge splash.  By that, I don’t mean she makes a lot of noise (on the contrary), but rather that she makes these amazing ripples which affect those around her, and in a very positive way.  So it has come as a shock that…

Say Shisha Souk Three Times as Fast as You Can!

Yesterday I took my good friend Bahiyya to the Shisha roundabout in Hawalli.  I’ll be honest, my heart sank when she told me she had been looking at the internet, and that there was supposed to be a roundabout in Hawalli where you could get the best pipes.  I knew that.  About 15 years ago…